Call for Papers
Contributions are being solicited for in-person presentation at the 2022 Annual Directed Energy Science and Technology Symposium with a primary interest in topics that support the research and development
of directed energy technologies and subsystems. The Symposium will be composed of oral and poster presentations discussing the topics below, as well as plenary, social and joint sessions.
The current call for the co-located Directed Energy Student Workshop is published below as well.
Focus Areas
The list of primary focus areas and links to the specific calls for papers is given below.
Beam Control Systems and Technologies
The theme for this year's Beam Control session(s) is advancing beam control technologies in step with new advances in high power lasers.
The session(s) have a twofold purpose: 1) to address beam control transition requirements and opportunities for near term HEL weapons systems
and 2) to focus on maturing beam control technology to support future HEL weapons systems. Contributions consistent with these purposes are solicited, especially in the topic areas listed below.
- Beam control systems: Major experiments and demonstrations
- Advanced sensors and Target acquisition and Tracking Systems (especially in cluttered environments)
- Beam control and optics technology
- Atmospheric propagation in harsh environments
- Aero-optics
- Phased and tiled arrays
- Target effects detection
- High Rytov engagement - advanced adaptive optics
- High speed targets
- Aimpoint maintenance on extended targets
Unclassified papers and presentations are sought at Distribution Limitations A, C and D levels, as well as Classified Secret.
Submission Instructions
Power and Thermal for DE
As DE technologies advance toward deployable systems, the supporting power and thermal management systems must provide high efficiency and low SWAP solutions viable for multiple missions, platforms, and environments. Although typically optimized for specific applications and missions, system approaches must be flexible and scalable to adapt with evolving mission requirements. Contributions consistent with these purposes are solicited, especially in the topic areas listed below.
- Prime Power - Prime Power considerations could include but are not limited to advanced batteries, fuel cells, power generation, power distribution and conditioning, significant component or subsystem improvements, corresponding modeling and simulations, and measured performance data.
- Pulsed Power Systems - Pulsed Power System considerations could include but are not limited to energy storage, voltage multiplication, switching, pulsed power distribution and conditioning, system EMI/EMC design, significant component or subsystem improvements, corresponding modeling and simulations, and measured performance data.
- Thermal Management Systems - Thermal Management Systems considerations could include but are not limited to energy storage (e.g. sensible and latent heat approaches), waste heat rejection, system optimization approaches, significant component or subsystem improvements, corresponding modeling and simulations, and measured performance data.
Unclassified papers and presentations are sought at Distribution Limitations A, C and D levels.
Submission Instructions
Establishing a fundamental understanding of the interaction of directed energy and biology is essential to the development, transition, and use of directed energy systems. Building upon that basic knowledge allows for the development of tools for simulating effects, estimating collateral hazards, conducting probabilistic risk assessments and answering policy-related questions. The scope of the session includes the following topics:
- The digital human
- Physics-level modeling, simulation, and analysis of Bioeffects
- Modeling, simulation, and analysis tools for collateral effects
- The transition from deterministic occupational exposure standards to probabilistic risk assessments
- Suprathreshold effects of directed energy on biology
- Biological framework for investigating possible DE weapon attacks
- Bioeffects for non-lethal weapons
- Navigating the approval process for employment
Unclassified papers and presentations are sought at Distribution Limitations A, C and D levels.
Submission Instructions
HEL Lethality & Effects
The High Energy Laser (HEL) Lethality sessions will assemble scientists and engineers interested in HEL weapon lethality. The objectives of these sessions will be to: 1) address lethality requirements necessary to realize HEL weapons on the battlefield, 2) focus the conference on dynamic testing, modeling and analysis of complex targets, 3) use the forum as a means to inform the HEL community and potential HEL Weapons implementers of the latest findings regarding lethality work, 4) focus on specific missions of interest from a lethality viewpoint, and 5) to continue to cultivate synergism between the HEL communities to effectively transition High Energy Laser Weapons to the warfighter.
Papers are solicited for the HEL Lethality sessions as described below:
- HEL lethality studies conducted by program offices and other research organizations working in the area of systems engineering and target system response will be featured. This includes engagement level analysis and system data supporting the development of HEL weapon lethality criteria for targets of interest.
- Work sponsored by program offices and other organizations conducting experimental as well as theoretical research will be presented. This includes basic optical, mechanical and thermal investigation on materials, components, and systems. Continuous Wave (CW), pulsed, and ultra-short pulsed (USP) laser effects will be covered.
The technical committee plans to review the abstracts submitted and create a set of sessions that will emphasize laser / material interaction, component and subsystem lethality testing, vulnerability assessment tools (physics-based models, system-level models, diagnostics and test facilities), modeling analysis and assessments, vulnerability assessments with special emphasis on current missions of interest and tactical decision aids. Joint sessions with other disciplines are contemplated to fully exploit the interface between lethality, modeling & simulation, beam control and employment.
Unclassified papers and presentations are sought at Distribution Limitations A, C and D levels, as well as Classified Secret.
Submission Instructions
LASER Sources
Advances in laser sources and beam combining techniques are enabling significant improvements in beam power and quality for HEL systems. The objectives of the LASER Sources session(s) is to share current work and advances in: 1) laser sources emitting in wavelengths beyond 1 micron, 2) diode advances for direct lasing and pumping, 3) beam combining techniques, 4) diode pumped alkali lasers, 5) Short and Ultra short pulse lasers, and 6) Beacon and Illumination lasers.
Contributions consistent with these purposes are solicited, especially in the topic areas listed below:
- Fiber power advancements
- Spectral and Coherent combining advancements
- Laser pump and amplifier advancements
- Laser cooling advancements
- USPL effects and CW/USPL combining
- Methods for long range propagation of USPL
Unclassified papers and presentations are sought at Distribution Limitations A, C and D levels, as well as Classified Secret.
Submission Instructions
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are emerging technologies and processes that are proving beneficial in numerous fields across defense and commercial applications. There is potential to apply these processes in support of HEL engagements. The goal of the AI and Machine Learning session(s) is to explore AI and ML as applied to the HEL engagement. Presentations and posters are solicited to increase the understanding of the DE community on the capabilities and limitations of AI and ML. Particular interest in AI and ML applied to target detection, identification, aim point selection, and engagement to include BDA.
Submission Instructions
Atmospheric Propagation
The Atmospheric Propagation session(s) will serve as a forum for the presentation of research on the physics of light propagation, optical remote sensing, and EO/IR effects in the atmosphere, to include distributed volume turbulence, gravity waves, vortex shedding, stably stratified turbulence, persistent eddies, and cloud/aerosol/molecular scattering and absorption, refractive effects such as mirages and over-the-horizon viewing, as well as characterization of these phenomena.
The following is a nonexclusive set of paper topics appropriate for the special section:
- Distributed volume turbulence: Kolmogorov and non-Kolmogorov turbulence, optical beam properties, such as scintillation, phase variance, branch points, etc.
- Meteorological phenomena: Refractive layers, boundary layer measurements, stratified turbulence, gravity waves, vortex shedding, large scale eddies, micro-meteorology, cloud/aerosol extinction
- Atmospheric modeling and simulation: Multi-phenomena atmospheric characterizations and computationally efficient methods to incorporate physically realistic characterizations into M&S
- Exploitation and enhancement of numerical weather prediction (NWP) modeling: Turbulence (Cn2) and aerosol content are not common NWP products - how can these be elucidated from NWP?
- Atmospheric measurement devices beyond standard pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind: The potential implementation of turbulence measuring devices such as sonic anemometers, scintillometers, time-lapse photography, digital holographic instruments, etc.; aerosol/particle measurement devices such as water and alcohol-based condensation particle counters and particle sizers
- Deployable Equipment: Methods to measure real time atmospheric conditions along the beam path immediately prior to and during lasing to a non-cooperative target
Unclassified papers and presentations are sought at Distribution Limitations A, C and D levels.
Submission Instructions
DE Intermediate Force Capabilities
The theme for this year's session is "Directed Energy Intermediate Force Capabilities (DE -IFCs): Relevant across the Range of Military Operations." This session seeks papers/presentations on DE-IFC weapon technologies that are applicable and relevant to Gray Zone operations. The objective is to enable and improve US Forces' competition across the entire force continuum, i.e., across the full range of military operations (ROMO).
IFCs enable the Joint Force to successfully compete across the competition continuum by providing active and proportional measures between presence and lethal effects. IFCs supports the National Defense Strategy objectives. DE IFCs:
- Allow the Joint Force to engage with scaled force technologies
- Methods to assess, validate, and communicate intent for enhanced and early decision making
- Limitation of collateral damage
- Precision targeting to focus effects on threats and avoid innocents
Papers/presentations sought include updates and information on prospective new DE-IFC technologies. The desired end-state of this DE IFC session is to: build awareness, understanding, and appreciation of directed energy IFCs among the DOD's research and engineering community. Presentations and papers will be considered for acceptance at Distribution A, C, and D levels.
Submission Instructions
HPM Technologies and Effects
We invite abstracts for oral and/or poster presentations on HPM Technologies and Effects. Presentations on HPM Technologies could include:
- Compact pulsed power for HPM
- HPM oscillators and amplifiers
- HPM sources
- High-power RF distribution systems
- Antennas and antenna arrays for HPM
- HPM system optimization
Presentations dealing with HPM Effects at all levels, from direct-drive component testing to full system level tests will be considered, both measured and/or simulated. Topics of interest include:
- Non-perturbing diagnostics
- HPM effect trends with electronic device technologies
- Statistical analysis for defense- and offense-conservative use of Pe curves
- Extrapolation of shielding effectiveness measurements to threat-level full system test results
Unclassified papers and presentations are sought at Distribution Limitations A, C and D levels, as well as Classified Secret.
Submission Instructions
Prior Program Lessons Learned
As the DE community advances solid state laser power and prepares for fielding weapon systems we must remember and avoid lessons that have been learned on prior programs. These programs can include ABL, ATL, THEL, HELTD/MD/MTT, LaWS, and other programs with valued lessons to share. The learned lessons can cover topics such as:
- Integration challenges
- Engagement planning
- Test Range issues
- Design / build challenges
- Controls
- Environments - both internal and external
- Optics and coatings
- Cleanliness maintenance
- Maintenance and Operation challenges
Unclassified papers and presentations are sought at Distribution Limitations A, C and D levels, as well as Classified Secret.
Submission Instructions
Assuring Survivable EMS System
Discuss EMS survivability as it applies to EMSO-related systems that incorporate electronic components that might be susceptible to electromagnetic effects, including Spectrum protection, system adaptability, spectrum access flexibility and efficiency, and multi-function capabilities.
Unclassified papers and presentations are sought at Distribution Limitations A, C and D levels.
Submission Instructions
Integrating Full-Spectrum Sensor Data for real-time EM Battle Management
Session would look at collection/distribution/fusion of RF-EO-IR sensor data for networked/efficient battle management, including data integration, AI/ML for spectrum agility and training, etc.
Unclassified papers and presentations are sought at Distribution Limitations A, C and D levels.
Submission Instructions
Directed Energy Student Workshop
The Directed Energy Professional Society is committed to developing the next generation of scientists, engineers and leaders in directed energy.
In support of those efforts there will be an educational workshop designed to allow students studying in the area of directed energy to present
their work. The education workshop is soliciting presentations and posters of graduate and undergraduate students to present their work to the
community. Presentations and posters will be accepted in any area related to directed energy. More detailed information is available on the Student Workshop page.
If you would like to present exclusively in the DE Student Workshop, submit an abstract for consideration online by completing this form.
Submission Instructions
Important Dates for Presenters |
9 March 2022
- Abstracts due
- 16 March 2022
- Authors notified of acceptance
- 8 April 2022
- Presentations due with release forms
- 29 April 2022
- Papers due with release forms
- 25 - 29 April 2022
- Annual DE S&T Symposium
Submission Instructions
information on sending presentations and papers will be provided here soon. Presentations and papers will be considered
for acceptance at Distribution Limitations A, C and D levels; some presentations at Classified Secret, although some topic areas and their corresponding
sessions have more restrictive requirements as outlined in the calls.
Note that it is the responsibility of the lead author to obtain all approvals and releases for
submitted abstracts, presentations, and papers. All submitted materials, including unclassified presentations,
must be appropriately marked for security classification as well as identification of any distribution restrictions.
Additionally, please identify the presenter (if different from the lead author) and up-to-date contact information.
The abstract deadline has passed.
If you were unable to submit your abstract in time or would like to still be considered for poster presentation, please contact Cristina Crowson directly at
Authors will be notified on or before 16 March of acceptance of their paper for presentation.
Authors may choose whether to release either the title or the abstract online.
Those who do not yet have public release approval are encouraged to submit the abstract or a simple title to serve as a placeholder before the deadline, then select the appropriate options on the submission form to keep the details off the Website listing.
The conference committee understands that to fully describe the work, the abstract may require supplemental FOUO information.
To do so, authors should submit an unclassified place-holder title and, if possible, abstract through the online submission form and then contact the Conference Chair, Jeff Maloney, for further instructions.
Please contact with any technical issues regarding
abstract submission. Subject matter questions regarding abstracts should be directed to a member of
symposium technical committee.
Note: While an automated email is sent confirming receipt of your abstract, some military domains may block delivery of
such an email. If you do not receive email confirmation, you may check this
online listing of submitted abstracts to be provided here soon. This listing is dynamically generated based on
abstracts received at the time the page is displayed and author permission (granted when submitted). If the title of your
abstract (or the abstract number assigned) is contained in this listing, it has been received by DEPS.
Authors should note that all presentations are due by 8 April.
This deadline should be kept in mind when scheduling presentation creation and seeking institutional permissions to
present at the Symposium.
Presentations should be in Microsoft PowerPoint format. The file name of the presentation must include the abstract number. Any video material used must be imbedded within your presentation
and cannot exceed 20MB. Additionally, please note that when submitting unclassified presentations on CD via mail, your CD will not be returned.
Authors are encouraged to submit papers based on their presentations to be published in the Symposium proceedings.
Papers should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format, and follow the DEPS Conference Paper Format instructions.
With author approval, papers may also be forwarded for consideration by editors of the Journal of Directed Energy,
a peer-reviewed publication.
Papers and presentations must be assigned the appropriate authorized Distribution Statement as well as with the pertinent security markings.