This Sixteenth Annual Directed Energy Symposium provided a forum for the exchange of technical and programmatic information in fields related to directed energy sources, directed energy effects, and the development, testing and fielding of directed energy weapons and related technologies. The Symposium was attended by a wide range of specialists including: researchers, managers, policy makers, and executives from government institutions (DoD, DoE and other national laboratories, program offices, the intelligence community, etc.), industry, academia, and other scientific and engineering institutions. Discussions focused on the current status and the future of directed energy technology in scientific research and program efforts.
The detailed agenda, listing each session and the presentations within the sessions, is available here. Changes to the program did occur. Proceedings The Annual Directed Energy Symposium will produce multiple sets of proceedings as needed to cover the various classificaiton and distribution requirements of the submissions. Unclassified proceedings will automatically be sent to all registrants except those who indicate they do not wish to receive them. Limited distribution and classified proceedings will be available from AFRL. All proceedings will be available after publication from the DEPS Online Store. The 16th Annual Directed Energy Symposium was held at the Westin Huntsville, located at 6800 Governors West Rd in beautiful Huntsville, Alabama. Huntsville offers many local attractions for attendees and companions. Companions are always a welcome addition to any DEPS meeting. To encourage them, we offer companion meal options. Our full meal option includes all meals that are provided for regular attendees including any evening and specialty functions that may be planned. For those companions who do not want to be tied to scheduled meal functions, we also offer an evening meal option. This option, which includes only the evening and specialty event functions, allows companions access to the "fun" portions of our events.