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Event Proceedings |
2009 SSDLTR and Ultrashort Pulse Laser Workshop |
The items listed below constitute the proceedings from the co-located 2009
Ultrashort Pulse Laser Workshop and the
Solid State Diode Laser Technology Review.
These, and other DEPS event proceedings, are available through the
DEPS online store.
Unless otherwise noted, presentations only are included for each entry.
Attendees List |
Conference Proceedings |
Note: Only unclassified, public release presentations,
papers, and abstracts are included in these proceedings. Some limited distribution presentations
are available through AFRL Directed Energy Engineering and Analysis Center. Please see the listing of
our Limited Distribution Proceedings. |
High Power Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Lasers: Present and Future
Almantas Galvanauskas, University of Michigan
Pressing System Challenges in the Deployment of High Energy Lasers
Sean Ross, Air Force Research Laboratory
Technical Issues Concerning High Energy Laser Deployment
Martin Stickley, Booz-Allen Hamilton
100-kW Coherently Combined Nd:YAG MOPA Laser Array
Stuart McNaught, Charles P. Asman, Hagop Injeyan, Andrew Jankevics, Adam M. F. Johnson, Gina C. Jones, Hiroshi Komine, Jason Machan, Jay Marmo, Michael McClellan, Randy Simpson, Jeff Sollee, Marcy M. Valley, Mark Weber, S. Benjamin Weiss, Northrop Grumman
Incoherent Laser Combiner with Target in the Loop Atmospheric Correction (Abstract only)
Allan Wirth, Northrop Grumman/Xinetics
High Power Enhanced Stroke Deformable Mirror (Abstract only)
Mark Ealey, Northrop Grumman/Xinetics
Power Scaling a Self-Fourier Laser Array Using Different Laser Sources (Abstract also included)
Frederic Durville, Christopher Corcoran, Corcoran Engineering
Reference Beam Free Phase Locking of a High Power Fiber Array
Thomas Shay, Jeffrey Baker, Craig Robin, Chris Vergien, Clint Zeringue, David Gallant, Anthony Sanchez, Benjamin Pulford, Chunte A. Lu., A. Lucero, Air Force Research Laboratory
Phase Locking of a Fiber Array onto a Remote Object
Benjamin Pulford, Thomas Shay, Jeff Baker, Angel Flores, Craig Robin, Lt. Chris Vergien, Clint Zeringue, David Gallant, Anthony Sanchez, Chunte Lu, Art Lucero, Air Force Research Laboratory
High-Spectral-Density Beam Combining for Compact Multi-kW Laser Systems
Oleksiy Andrusyak, Vadim Smirnov, George Venus, Leonid Glebov, University of Central Florida
Atmospheric Compensation Concepts for Passively Phased Ring Fiber Array Laser (Abstract only)
Allan Wirth, Northrop Grumman/Xinetics
Optimization and Power Scaling of 2-D Re-Imaging Assisted Phased Array (Abstract also included)
Radek Uberna, Andrew Bratcher, Tom Alley, Lockheed Martin Coherent Technologies
High-Brightness, Fiber-Coupled Lasers Enabled by Beam Combination of Diode Laser Bars (Abstract also included)
Daniel Grasso, Jay Small, S. David Roh, Coherent, Inc.
Simulation of a 37-Element, Truncated-Gaussian, Tiled-Aperture, Coherent Fiber Laser Array (Abstract also included)
Sami Shakir, Northrop Grumman and R. Andrew Motes, Space Vehicle Directorate and Richard Berdine, Air Force Research Laboratory
Grating-Locked Diode Laser Pump Sources Demonstrate Zero Power Penalty (Abstract only)
Steve Patterson, nLight Corporation
Multi-kW Pump Powers from Conductively-Cooled qcw Laser Diode Stacks (Abstract also included)
Eckard Deichsel, JENOPTIK Laserdiode GmbH
Laser Array Reliability (Abstract also included)
Niloy Dutta, F. R. Nash, A. Piccirilli, T. Eltringham, R. Camarda, T. Fields, LGS Innovation Inc.
975 nm Surface-Emitting Distributed Feedback (SE-DFB) Laser and Array (Abstract only)
Manoj Kanskar, Alfalight Inc.
Semi-Automated Production of Single Emitter Based High Brightness Diode Lasers
Stefan Heinemann, B.Regaard, T.Schmidt, B. Lewis, Fraunhofer USA
High-Brightness Pump Modules Based on the Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser Technology (Abstract only)
Chuni Ghosh, Princeton Optronics
High Brightness Diode Laser Module Development at nLIGHT Photonics (Abstract also included)
Steve Patterson, Kirk Price, Scott Karlsen, Paul Leisher, Jake Bell, Rob Martinsen, nLight Photonics
High-Power QCW Diode Arrays for Use in Military Applications
Ryan Feeler, Northrop Grumman Cutting Edge Optronics
Grating Stabilized High Brightness Fiber Coupled Pump Modules
Trevor Crum, Sang-Ki Park, Kelly Johnson, Daming Liu, Serge Cutillas, Xu Jin, Ed Wolak, Jim Harrison, Spectra Physics
Analysis of Laser Action and Thermal Management in Er-Doped GaN Semiconductor Structures
William Hageman, Ying Chen, Michael Bass, University of Central Florida and John Zavada, U.S. Army Research Office
The Texas Petawatt Laser
Todd Ditmire, Erhard Gaul, Ted Borger, Martin Ringuetti, Srdjan Marijanovic, Doug Hammond, Ramiro Escamilla, University of Texas
Mid-IR Fiber-Based High-Peak-Power Short-Pulse Source Development (Abstract only)
Deborah Alterman, Lockheed Martin Aculight
High Power Millijoule USP Fiber Laser (Abstract only)
David Gaudiosi, Raydiance
High Power <50fs Ultrafast Laser Systems
Iain McKinnie, Sterling Backus, Hsiao-Hua Liu, Neil Anderson, Dirk Muller, Xiaoshi Zhang, Greg Taft, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories
Standoff Detection Single-Beam CARS and Other Applications Enabled by MIIPS
Marcos Dantus, BioPhotonic Solutions and Haowen Li, Vadim Lozovoy, Ahmasi Harris, Dmitry Pestov, Bingwei Xu, Paul Wrzesinski, Steven Wolf, Michigan State University
Self-Phase-Locked Divide-by-2 Femtosecond Optical Parametric Oscillator
Samuel Wong, Tomas Plettner, Konstantin Vodopyanov, Robert Byer, Stanford University
Laser Produced Air Plasmas for Directed Energy Applications (Abstract only)
Daniel Gordon, Naval Research Laboratory
Short Pulse High Power Fiber Lasers with Tunable Pulse Width (Abstract only)
Pratheepan Madasamy, Lockheed Martin Aculight
6.5-kW, Yb:YAG Ceramic Thin Disk Laser (Abstract only)
Ahmed Lobad, Boeing
Progress on Materials Development Enabling Solid-State Laser Sources (Abstract only)
F. Kenneth Hopkins, Air Force Research Laboratory
'Level Parameters' for Quantitative Comparison of RE-Doped Solid-State Laser Media, Operating Temperatures, Pump and Laser Wavelengths
Jeffrey White, Army Research Laboratory
Resonantly Diode-Pumped Er3+:Y2O3 Ceramic Laser (Abstract only)
Mark Dubinskii, Army Research Laboratory
Comparison of Direct Amplification and Chirped Pulse Amplification in High-Peak-Power Fiber Amplifiers (Abstract only)
Deborah Alterman, Lockheed Martin Aculight
400-W, High Efficiency Coherent Combination of Fiber Lasers (Abstract only)
Peter Thielen, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Patterned Disorder in Fiber Laser Array Improves Coherence (Abstract also included)
Will Ray, Yamato Matsuoka, Kurt Wiesenfeld, Georgia Tech and Jeffrey Rogers, California Institute of Technology
Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Reduction in Fiber Amplifiers
Tim Newell, D. Nelson, Air Force Research Laboratory
Modal Measurement of a Large-Mode-Area Photonic-Crystal Fiber Amplifier Using Spatially Resolved Spectral Interferometry
Jake Bromage, C. Dorrer, J. Marciante, M. Shoup, J. Zuegel, University of Rochester
Pump Fluctuation-Induced Modulation Instability of Fiber Amplifiers and Passively Phased Ring-Geometry Laser Arrays
Erik Bochove, Air Force Research Laboratory and Michelle Hummel, University of New Mexico and Alejandro Aceves, Southern Methodist University and Elena Kazantseva, Yehuda Braiman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Power Scaling of Resonantly Cladding-Pumped Yb-Free Er-Doped LMA Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers (Abstract only)
Mark Dubinskii, Army Research Laboratory
High Power, Coherently Combinable Tm Fiber Lasers (Abstract also included)
Josh Rothenberg, Gregory Goodno, Lewis Book, Mark Weber, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Progress on Kilowatt-Level Amplifiers for Beam Combining (Abstract also included)
Victor Khitrov, T. Ehrenreich, D Buork, J. Galipeau, G. Boivin, S. Christensen, B. Samson, R. Levelle, K. Tankala, Nufern
Fiber-Coupled Module Producing 100W Out of a 100m Fiber with NA=0.12 as a Building Block for kW Level Direct Diode Applications (Abstract also included)
John Hostetler, Stepahn Strohmaier, Christoph Tillkorn, Tobias Barnowski, Lisa Cross, John Jiang, Haiyan An, Thilo Vethake, Martin Huonker, Peter Olschowsky, Friedhelm Dorsch, Christian Schmitz, Klaus Wallmeroth, TRUMPF Photonics
Novel Technique for Producing Over-Sized Laser Gain Media in High Fluence Applications
Nick Traggis, Neil Claussen, Precision Photonics Corporation
Measurement of Upconversion/Cross Relaxation Constants Over a Range of Er:YAG Concentrations from Cryogenic to Room Temperature (Abstract also included)
G. Alex Newburgh, T. Sanamyan, M. Dubinskii, Army Research Laboratory
Fracture Strength and Toughness of Lasing Media and Composites (Abstract also included)
Huai-Chuan Lee, Helmuth Meissner, Xiaodong Mu, Onyx Optics and Wei Qiu, Chao Lui, Valdosta Optics Laboratory, Inc.
Ion-Beam Sputtered High-Laser-Damage Coatings on YAG for CW Applications
Nick Traggis, Ove Lyngnes, Precision Photonics Corporation
Comparison of Thermally Induced Effects in Laser Media in the Temperature Range of 77 - 770K
Michael Tilleman, Elbit Systems of America
Thermal Energy Storage Techniques for High Energy Lasers
Ben Saarloos, Rini Technologies
Advances in SiC Power Supply Designs for Directed Energy Weapons
Jerry Melcher, Anant Agarwal, Cree, Inc.
High Power Narrow-Band Semiconductor Laser Pumping System
Ivan Divliansky, G. Venus, L. Glebov, University of Central Florida and V. Smirnov, OptiGrate
Commercial High-Efficiency 885-nm Diode Lasers (Abstract only)
Bryan Gelnett, nLight Corporation
Advances in the Pearl Architecture at nLIGHT Photonics (Abstract also included)
Steve Patterson, Kirk Price, Scott Karlsen, Jake Bell, Rob Martinsen, nLight Photonics
Progress of On-Chip Wavelength Stabilization of Laser Diodes for Seeding and Pumping of High Power Solid State and Fiber Lasers
Laurent Vaissié, Jeff Ungar, Wentao Hu, Vic Elarde, Robert Lammert, Mark Osowski, Thomas Liu, Yaowu Ma, Chung Wan, Xiaodong Yang, QPC Lasers