Education is vital to the Directed Energy community. Fostering the professional growth of current workers in the field and increasing the number of young, new members in the community are important DEPS educational goals. This was the third workshop in a series of workshops to advance these goals. The workshop considered current and future Directed Energy education programs from organizations around the country. The workshop program included invited and contributed presentations on current and planned Directed Energy education programs such as middle school optics kits to stimulate interest in optics and lasers at several locations, the West Mesa High School photonics technical preparatory program, the Technical Vocational Institute Photonic Technician Program, the University High School HEL study project, the undergraduate summer program, and the graduate scholarship program. The workshop concluded with an open discussion of new ideas as a foundation for planning the next phase of the DEPS education initiative. DEPS sponsors education projects at all educational levels. Within the DEPS educational program, DEPS operates the High Energy Laser (HEL) Joint Technology Office (JTO) educational outreach initiative. Workshop Speakers
Proceedings Materials from the 17 oral presentations at the workshop are included with the unclassified proceedings from the 2003 Directed Energy Annual Symposium and available for purchase through the DEPS online store.