Journal of Directed Energy (Limited Edition)






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Additional Consideratons for Classified Manuscript

Complete but do not submit your manuscript until you receive instructions on the submission method and address. Manuscripts should be available electronically as Microsoft Word documents in.doc format or as a text file. The manuscript must meet the format requirements outlined in the Manuscript Instructions.

Manuscripts must be classified Confidential or Secret and must include a distribution statement such as distribution limitation C or D. All electronic files as well as submitted media must be properly marked according to DSS requirements. Items not properly marked will not be accepted by Security and will delay the publication process.

During the evaluation process, unclassified queries may be submitted to the corresponding author via e-mail. Classified queries will be handled appropriately. Final proofs will be mailed to authors as electronic files. In the interest of timeliness and at the discretion of the editor, minor editorial changes may not be subject to author review.

Classified Manuscript Submission Instructions

Authors interested in submitting a classified manuscript for consideration by the Journal of Directed Energy (Limited Edition) should send an unclassified email to the editor, Cristina Crowson, at Upon receipt of this email, the authors will be sent the address for submission of the manuscript and other submission instructions. At present, the Journal lacks the capability to accept classified manuscripts electronically.

The intial email will include several pieces of information and some attachments. This email should identify an unclassified, public release title for the manuscript and a list of authors. In addition to the open, public release title, the email should include an unclassified, open, public release abstract, perhaps as an attachment. These do not have to be the title and abstract that are part of the manuscript, if those are classified or restricted in distribution. But they must to the extent possible let potential readers know if they would be interested in reading the manuscript, as they will be used to publicize the paper if it is accepted for publication.

The email should supply the names and contact information of three to five suggested reviewers, all independent experts in the topic of the paper. The Journal editor reserves the right to choose other reviewers. Please note that the reviewers must be consistent with the distribution limitation. For example, potential reviewers in the Department of Homeland Security cannot receive manuscripts for review that are marked Distribution Limitation D.

The editors will assume that the email sender is the appropriate contact for unclassified correspondence about the manuscript. Include with the email the name, address, phone, STU phone number if available, fax, and e-mail of person(s) to receive classified information, who may be different from the initial email sender.

Authors must also submit a Classified Release Form for their paper so that the editor may accept the paper for review. Submission of a paper signifies the authors desire to have their work published in the Journal. They certify that the paper has not been published and is not under consideration elsewhere and that all requisite permissions have been secured. The completed release form should be scanned and attached to the initial email.

Address unclassified questions and comments to the editor, Cristina Crowson,

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Last updated: 18 June 2018